Sowing Fertile Ground

Ecclesiastes 3:1
To every thing there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

As the farmer knows what actions to take in what season, so should the children of God.

1. Spring is when the seeds are sown.
2. Summer is when the crops grow.
3. Fall is when one reaps what he has sown
4. Winter is when it can be cold, dark, and dreary, and even appear lifeless,
a time of hibernation and regrouping for the next season to come around.

As it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual. The seeds that you sow into God’s kingdom take
time to grow but God established a principle of seedtime and harvest. Genesis 8:22

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest … shall not cease”.

What Season Are You In?

Try This – “Give God What’s RIGHT and Watch Him Bless What’s LEFT?” Servings God’s People Will Always Prosper Your Ways – You can’t Bless God’s Children and God Not Bless You! Please – Be a Blessing To Someone Today! “Life is Life – But God Is Faithful! I’m Just saying… Dre`

Let us NOT Grow weary in doing Well, for in Due Season you SHALL Reap if You Faint NOT!!!! Keep Doing What Honors God in a Society that seek to serve itself – Self Less Serve More – God’s Got you. I Promise…​